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THE GOOD GIRLS REVOLT How the Women of Newsweek Sued Their Bosses and Changed the Workplace

When Newsweek published a cover story on the feminist movement in 1970 called “Women in Revolt,” 46 women staffers announced their own revolt: a sex discrimination suit against the magazine. I was one of those women. My new book documents the struggle to challenge our bosses and the sexist “Mad Men” culture of the workplace 40 years ago. I also talk to young women working at Newsweek today and discuss what has changed and what hasn’t for women at work.

ALL THOSE MORNINGS…AT THE POST The Twentieth Century in Sports from Famed Washington Post Columnist SHIRLEY POVICH

My father, Shirley Povich, wrote his first sports column for The Washington Post in 1924 and his last in 1998. But his commentaries were about more than sports; they reflected the dramatic changes in American society. He called for the integration of major league baseball as well as the all-white Washington Redskins. For the first time, we have collected the best of his columns over his 75 years and introduced them with an intimate history of his life as well as the context of the times.